Air purifier because I am sensitive to scents

I am really sensitive to smells in my home.

Not only do I not want my house to smell gross, but certain smells make me sick. I can’t sleep in a freshly painted room. If I really clean the bathroom with bleach, I know I am going to get a headache. Even certain candles bother me. I am updating my master bathroom and the smells are tough on me. I have a runny nose, a sneezing fit and a headache everyday. I know it is the smells that I am creating in the bathroom. First the smell of the mud that I put on the drywall was a problem. Then it was the mastic from laying tile down. Next it was the grout. Now I am painting and the smells are rough. Rather than endure this my whole life, I am looking into a solution. I found that a lot of people recommend air purification plans with their HVAC units to remove odors from their air quality. Now these people are talking about cooking, pets and other unpleasant smells. I would like to remove all normal smells as well. I found that you can get a small air cleaner that sits on a desk and does a single room. People also put the air purifier in their return ducts to work in tandem with the HVAC unit. It is more expensive to have this system though. You need to change air filters and get yearly maintenance as well. I think it might be worth it though. I hate always feeling sick in my own home.

a/c tune up

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