I love my personal trainer keeping things new

I go to the health and fitness center in town three days a week.

The certified fitness expert running the class is amazing.

The guy makes class super different each week. There are a couple of things I can expect though. What is really nice is the things my trainer has our class do are fitness things I would never normally do. The fitness expert loves making us jump rope. We all have our own rope and he makes us run with the rope, turn or just straight jump for almost five minutes straight. It is an excellent way to warm up and make me feel like I am going to die. Another thing he loves doing is having us do tuck jumps. When he says we are doing an ab day, I know tuck jumps are coming up. By the end of the class my whole belly is super unhappy. For weightlifting, the group of us will sometimes use weighted poles or toss medicine balls back and forth. I have none of this equipment or a partner at home, so it is nice to do it at class. The personal trainer is also great at motivating everyone to keep pushing. If left alone I would totally dog it and hardly do the exercises. The certified fitness expert walks around like a drill sergeant and calls you out when you stop. He also keeps class moving and changing so nobody is bored. There is always something new and exciting going on. I love not knowing what to expect except that I am getting a good workout.

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