My A/C has become more important since I started working from home

It’s been a pretty hot summer here, and I have really been using the A/C a lot more than I normally would.

Ever since I started having to work from my house a few months ago, one thing has become much more important to me and that’s the A/C system in my house. I used to leave the A/C turned off all day because I was usually at work and it was a waste of money to keep cooling off my house when I wasn’t there. Some of my friends have smart thermostat units and they are able to adjust their heating and cooling systems from their smartphones when they are at work. I have to admit that I’m just a little bit jealous of that! I’ve been thinking about getting my own smart thermostat, too. But then we got shut down and I ended up working from home all the time so I don’t really need to be able to adjust the thermostat from a remote location. That’s because I’m stuck in the house all the time now and it’s not too difficult to get up from the couch to change the temperature on my thermostat. It’s been a pretty hot summer here, and I have really been using the A/C a lot more than I normally would. The cooling bills that I’ve been getting in the mail every month have been through the roof. I can’t seem to concentrate on working if I don’t keep the thermostat turned down, though. I have had the HVAC company out to do maintenance on my air conditioner twice since I started working from home. The A/C has become the most important part of the house!

Read more about heating equipment

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