Not sure what’s next

A few weeks ago I finally retired from years of working hard! I had been working all of my life as a certified heating and air conditioner specialist.

In being a heating and air conditioner specialist my time was constantly taken up; Not to mention, I was tired on most weekends when I could have been free to have time with my family and friends… Working in heating and air conditioner maintenance and replacement just wore me out! So suppose me, the day it was time to retire I was not complaining what so ever, then but the thing was, I had to figure out what I wanted to do with my new found down time.

I still wanting to make some side money in my retirement because after all, extra money is constantly good. I had thought about doing a few strange things. But 1 thing that never crossed my mind was doing anything having to do with the heating and air conditioner business! I will never have anything to do with heating and air conditioner ever again as long as I am alive, then other than of course fixing my own central heating and air conditioner idea if it ever breaks down; That is the benefit of being a former certified heating and cooling specialist! You never have to call an HVAC corporation and spend my money large dollars to repair any kind of heating and air conditioner issues you may have, but so all those years in the heating and cooling field I guess were and still will be nice for something.

HVAC maintenance

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