Humidifier solves threats to air quality and apartment furnishings

During the winter, when the air is cold, conditions become excessively dry.

Inside the home, with the furnace blasting just about non stop, the dry air is a problem, however humidity levels drop so low that it causes injure to apartment furnishings and health complications.

The dry air pulls moisture out of everything it touches, including hardwood floors and antique furniture. When wood dries out, it can crack and split. Chapped lips, bloody noses, headaches, sore throat and frequent coughing and sneezing are just some of the consequences of insufficient humidity. The dry air leads to static shock, frizzy hair and aggravates symptoms of allergy and asthma. It dries out nasal passages, makes people more susceptible to respiratory infection and it takes longer to get over illnesses. Because dry air feels colder, it promotes higher temperature control settings. Turning up the temperature on the temperature control adds up to an increase in weekly energy bills and more wear and tear on the furnace. All of these complications can be solved with the replacement of a whole-house humidifier. There are steam-style, fan-powered and bypass possibilities available, with all more than two types incorporating directly into the existing furnace. They officially require only annual repair, operate almost silently and properly regulate humidity throughout the entire home. Steam-style humidifiers operate independently from the furnace, allowing customized settings. Adding a humidifier improves the health and comfort of the apartment and pays for itself through energy savings. Plus, lessening demands on the heating component increases reliability and extends repair life. There’s also the added bonus of reducing impact on the environment.
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