One con of portable space furnaces

I have to say, that I appreciate my portable space heater.

However, there is one drawback to the portable space heater.

That is the fact that it is corded. Having to find a plug in the wall to run the portable space oil furnace tends to sometimes be a headache, depending on where I am at. I undoubtedly was curious, so I did some research to see if there was a such thing as a battery operated space heater, but no such thing existed. It looked to be a respected search term, so I suppose I am not the only one who feels this way about space heaters, then everywhere I was looking it said that in the future, there could be a portable space oil furnace that runs on batteries, however it is yet to be invented. They did mention that there was some kind of portable oil furnace that ran on propane and gas, but I personally do not appreciate to even mess with anything that is run by gas. I have heard too many horror stories about carbon monoxide poisoning, and also some stories about explosions due to gas operated products. There was something I read about a married couple who both died because of one of those portable gas heaters. That was enough to convince me to never even buy one! So, for now, I will have to just be happy with the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C technology of the corded portable space heater, and hope for some inventor to make a battery operated one somehow in the future.

Electric heating

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