Our book club has climate control issues

I think that the two of us might have to stop attending the weekly book club that the two of us go to.

It’s not because the two of us don’t truly adore all the people there or the books that the two of us choose; No, it’s mainly because all of the people at these meetings don’t have any system how to properly set the temperature dial on the HVAC! It’s getting to be ridiculous, honestly… During the winter, it wasn’t actually that major of a deal.

I mean, I did feel adore they kept the heating turned up much higher than it needed to be while in our meetings, although I dressed in layers and the moderate temperatures didn’t bother me that much, however, now that the weather is heating up outside and then it’s time to start running the air conditioning inside, it’s a bizarre story. When the temperature is hot outside, I have a bad time being inside a building that isn’t properly air conditioned. I typically feel hot and stuffy and sporadically overheating gives me a massive headache. Not only that, although I get hot and irritable and I just can’t seem to appreciate anything about myself. I think that’s because a lot of times I will get a actually bad headache whenever I’m overly hot and there is no air conditioning available… Periodically when I feel a headache coming on I will sit right in front of the cooling system vents in my automobile and let the cooling air blow through the multiple air vents right into my face and that helps. All I know is that without any cooling system at our book club, it’s super uncomfortable for me.


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