The accident left me at home for weeks

A couple of weeks ago at work, I got into an accident on my way home from the last job of the day.

I was stuck in traffic and in my HVAC work vehicle. I was on my way back from an AC repair and I was headed home. The boss lets us take our work vehicle home with us, and it is one of the best perks of the job. Unfortunately, it can be a huge hassle in situations such as these. The problem was all of the traffic. People were trying to get home and they were cutting through as many lines as possible. I have a large work vehicle and it can be difficult to see around the back. There is a warning sign on the back of the truck. I was sitting patiently with my left blinker on, waiting to turn onto the exit on that side of the road. Another car so I thought they would jump in front of me. I didn’t see them and the two of us collided in an instant. My back and neck were injured in the accident. I had to go to the emergency room and I had to call my boss when the work truck had to be towed away. Now I’m stuck at home for the next couple of weeks. At least I get paid to be at home, since the accident occurred in a work vehicle. I’m still not going to enjoy sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing, while everyone else goes on with life around me. When I finally get back to work, I will be ready.

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