There are various uncommon kinds of containers

I used to labor for the stock market… I was not a broker, although I was employed by one, plus so buying plus selling was our life.

60 to 74 hour labor weeks, every week, with no possible chance of a day off… That life is a hectic one, plus although ultimately is wasn’t for me, it did teach me a lot about the economy, and every single business transaction is entirely a matter of supply plus demand, plus occasionally you have to create your own demand.

I left that job behind, although I kept a lot of the core teachings with me when I got into the business of buying plus selling speciality shipping containers. What on earth is a speciality shipping container, you might ask, well let me be the first to educate you! There are as various uncommon kinds of cargo containers as there are uncommon kinds of cargo, particularly cargo that is shipping overseas. This means that there are refrigerated containers used for moving perishable items, which can be easily fancy on the minutehand market! There are dry freight containers, which I have access to a lot of, by the way. There are also ISO shipping container, Connex Boxes, plus modular types that can fit together much like Lego blocks do! I have made myself an expert on shipping containers of all kinds, so that I can better serve our buyers, and buying plus selling shipping containers is a much better job than buying plus selling pork futures on the stock market floor, I can tell you that.


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