Why can’t I find a pilot light on the modern heater device?

I honestly thought that when both of us bought our house both of us would sell it long before both of us needed to replace the furnace.

The two of us bought the Heating and Air Conditioning method knew about 30 years ago as well as now both of us just had a replacement device put in, then even though the modern 1 is far more efficient it is still taking myself and others some time to get used to how it operates.

Technology sure has changed over the past 30 years as well as I cannot believe how quiet my modern method is; Not only that it takes up far less room than the aged cumbersome 1 that was in the basement as well as both of us are ecstatic about that as well. I was studying the manual the other afternoon as well as I became confused because I was trying to find out how to relight the pilot if it goes out. I had to do this at least a couple of times a year while I was in the Winter time because there were drafts in the basement which would cause the pilot to blow out. No in the manual did I find a way to do this so I ended up calling the Heating and Air Conditioning dealer to ask him how I go about fixing the problem when it happened. The dealer kind of chuckled when I asked this question as well as told myself and others that pilot lights were a thing of the past as well as the newer systems had as well as igniter method instead. Explain that this was an electronic spark that caused the furnace to heat as well as it was 1 of the reasons why they were more fuel efficient. I no longer had a pilot light that burned 24/7 as well as the igniter switch also would not be bothered with drafts that might be in the room. I thought this was pretty cool as well as it was fine to believe I wouldn’t have to worry about that.

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