The owner of the grocery store was caught on camera

I own my business and my specialty is heating and air conditioning repairs and installation work.

Most of my focus is on energy efficient heating and cooling solutions like solar, geothermal energy, and radiant heating.

About six months ago, I completed a huge job for the owner of the grocery store in our town. The guy has owned the grocery store for 30 years. He employs hundreds of people that live here in town. He wanted to upgrade the entire ventilation ductwork system. The job took three days to complete. While we were working on the ventilation ductwork system, the grocery store was closed. I talked to the guy several times and I always thought he was a bit odd and strange. There was just something about the guy that I didn’t actually like. He paid his bills on time, but I always thought that the guy was a little creepy. There was something about his interactions with the employees that made me feel uncomfortable. Monday night I was watching the news and I found out that the owner of the grocery store was arrested. The guy was caught on camera trying to solicit services from a prostitute. The prostitute was an undercover police officer and the guy was caught in the sting operation. The guy’s face was plastered all over the news. His business is probably going down the drain now that everyone knows he is a bad guy. In this town, everyone watches the news. There won’t be any way to hide his indiscretions from the people in town.

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I’m going to quit my job and go back to school

I have pretty much decided that I’m going to quit my job at the end of next month.

I have been thinking about it for quite a while now, because I have just been getting really sick of the annoyances and of my boss and my co-workers.

Everything about my current job is just getting on my nerves. I keep thinking that maybe I just want to completely change careers. One thing that I’ve always been interested in is heating, cooling, and ventilation. My uncle used to do HVAC work and I always really liked going along to help him back when I was a kid. Sometimes he would take me with him on air conditioning repair jobs during the summers and he would pay me to help him carry his tools and stuff like that. Anyway, those were some of the best times of my life and so now I’m thinking that I might just want to get back to my roots and start doing HVAC work once again. I know all of the basics, but of course I will have to go back to school to get my official HVAC certification. I’m really looking forward to learning all about furnaces, air conditioning systems, radiant heated flooring, and air purification systems. Most of all, though, I am looking forward to getting away from my current job! I am so tired of this place. I think that if I get my HVAC certification then I’ll be able to get a job that I love somewhere else. I might even start up my very own heating and cooling business someday.


Cooling and heating company

I love to save money when the seasons change

I really love to save money on after season sales like the ones after winter is over.

I’m actually hoping that this year, I will be able to find a new portable electric heating system to have just in case my oil furnace goes on the blink again this year.

Last year, just after Thanksgiving was over, my heating system died. There was no warning at all. It didn’t gradually stop working or slow down or anything like that, either. It was just working one minute, heating up my whole house, and then the next minute it stopped and I was in the cold! And where we live, it’s not exactly the kind of climate where you can go all winter without having a working heating system. No, around here, the temperature starts falling in September and then we usually end up with snow on the ground until the beginning of May. It’s not exactly what you might call a tropical paradise. I knew that I needed a new heating system, but I also knew that it was going to cost a fortune to get it fixed. Sure enough, when I called up my local HVAC company, they told me an estimate that blew my mind. I ended up spending all of my savings to fix my central heating system and then I had nothing left in my bank account to get me through the winter. I’m never going to let that happen again. That’s why I’ve decided to buy a cheap electric space heater when they go on sale this year. That way, even if my furnace quits on me, I’ll still be able to keep my bedroom warm through the winter!


I love to save money when the seasons change

I want a new couch but I really need a new furnace

I have really been needing a new furnace for our house, but the problem is that I really want to get this new couch I saw at a furniture store in town.

I have been needing to get a new couch for years and I have also been saving up for it.

So when my furnace broke down earlier this winter, it really made me mad. It’s almost as if the universe itself doesn’t want for me to get myself a new couch that I will love. I mean, of all times for the furnace to go on the blink, why does it have to be right at the same time that I was getting ready to go and order my couch? It just seems like I can’t ever have anything that I really want and it is getting old. I know that I am perfectly capable of surviving without a new couch and that I sound like a spoiled brat about this. But the fact is that I cannot survive the winter in the low temperatures that we have here in our part of the country if I don’t have a working heating system. The temperatures here get into the single digits on a regular basis and you absolutely have to have a heating system if you’re going to live here. It doesn’t hurt to have a fireplace or a wood burning stove or even an electric space heater as a back up heating system, either! I guess I’m going to have to do the grown up thing and get the furnace fixed and just forget about the new couch. But I’m definitely not going to like it!

Geo heat pump

Something is wrong with the heating system at our church

I have noticed it before but last week it was really bad. There’s a problem with the heating system at our church building. At first, the maintenance guy who takes care of everything at the building said that he thought that it was just a problem with the thermostat unit. That seems as if it would be a pretty easy fix, right? You would just need to get a new thermostat unit and then everything would be up and running again in no time. But that’s not what ended up happening. The maintenance guy purchased and installed a new thermostat for the main building at the church, but that didn’t seem to fix the problem. He told me later that at first he thought that the new thermostat was going to do the trick, but it turned out that it wasn’t actually the problem at all. This guy knows what he’s doing as far as maintenance goes for the most part, but he’s not exactly an HVAC professional or anything like that. He thinks that he knows what the problem is, but I’m of the opinion that he should just go ahead and call up the commercial HVAC company that we use to service the church’s heating and cooling system. I don’t know what the problem is, but I do know that it’s getting worse every week. And if it’s not the thermostat, then that means that it’s probably something worse. At this point, I think we need to call in an HVAC professional to get things sorted out again.

Heat pump

My wife made a brilliant case about getting a new HVAC system

I had an HVAC technician come out to the house to tell me if he thought it would be best to have the HVAC repaired or to have it replaced

My wife told me for a few years that we needed to upgrade to a nicer HVAC system. I never really paid much attention to that, but I did regularly put money into our savings account. I think I was more interested in saving as much money as possible instead of spending it on things, even if those things were necessary. I felt like as long as our HVAC system was still working, there was no need to have it replaced. I felt like that would be a giant waste even if newer HVAC systems were able to provide more comfort. Well eventually she told me that the HVAC system was making funny sounds. I just laughed and thought it was another one of her attempts to get me to agree to invest in a fancy new HVAC system. Then she brought me to one of the HVAC vents and told me to focus and listen. I listened and sure enough, I did hear some crazy banging noises. Then she took me down to the basement and had me listen up close to the HVAC unit. It sounded like something was banging around inside. Then she showed me the energy bills and showed me how they have been getting more and more expensive over the years. I had to admit, she made a pretty good case, but I wanted to hear it from an actual HVAC professional. I had an HVAC technician come out to the house to tell me if he thought it would be best to have the HVAC repaired or to have it replaced. He actually agreed with my wife that we could benefit a great deal from a modern HVAC system. I guess we will be upgrading soon.


Programmable thermostat

I didn’t know I would meet the love of my life after getting radiant heated floors

You know, back when I first got radiant heated floors in my home, I never knew what joy it would bring me.

I definitely was hoping to impress people with my new advanced heating system, but I didn’t think that it would bring me the love of my life.

I actually ended up throwing numerous parties as I wanted to get to know more people and I wanted to have more friends in my life. I have come to learn that there are a lot of people who are fake who will only pretend to care just to enjoy some of your nice things. In my case, people were friendly so they could enjoy my radiant heated floors and they would attempt to take advantage in other ways. Fortunately I was smart enough to see past nonsense like that. I never let anybody play me for a fool. Eventually, I met this really attractive young lady who really blew me away. Not only was she more beautiful than ever but she was incredibly smart. She complimented me on my radiant heated floors and then she started telling me ways that I could improve my air quality. It wasn’t something that I thought too much about, but I was intrigued. We talked about a whole UV air purifier along with a powerful humidifier. She said it was a good idea to get a ventilation system and she also let me know that she was an HVAC technician if I didn’t guess that already. I didn’t care what job she had, I just wanted to ask her out and so I did. We ended up getting married a few years later.
New HVAC systems

Never let anybody tell you that working too hard is a bad thing

Nobody should ever tell you that working too hard is a bad thing.

Sure, we all need a break from time to time and that’s fine. But if you are ambitious like me, keep up the good work and you will reap the rewards! I have always been ambitious since I was a youngster. I always took school very seriously and studied regularly to achieve some of the best grades. Because of that, I was able to skip grades because I was way ahead of everybody else. Little did people realize that I had a plan, even when they made fun of me for being so smart. I honestly felt bad for people like that who weren’t able to see how beautiful and short life happened to be, and also all of the potential we all have. All you have to do is really put your heart into it and you can really achieve anything. I definitely put my heart into the HVAC industry, but before that, I went to college to earn my business degree. I actually had my business degree by the time I was the appropriate age to become an HVAC professional. I went to a trade school and got my certification, and then I learned the ropes and planned out my business. I was able to start a professional HVAC business at a young age and I have been running the place like a champ. I don’t mean to sound too prideful, but I really love my HVAC company and I treat everybody like family. That’s how it was meant to be and I want to make sure everybody enjoys working at my HVAC business.


SEER ratings

I feel like it’s healthy to remain positive

That really should be common sense

I’ve always been the type of guy to look on the bright side. This has been something that has been somewhat aggravating to friends of mine. They wonder how I am in such good spirits on a regular basis no matter what is going on in the world. A good example would be this last year when it seemed like everything pretty much went to hell. While I can admit, it has been terrible in many ways, I can’t help but be excited for all the positive changes. I used to always commute to and from work, but now I work from home and I get to enjoy the perfect temperature control settings. I decided to invest more in my HVAC too to be more healthy and safe at home. I invested in a nice UV air purification system which has improved the air quality tremendously and it kills any harmful pathogens that manage to creep into my home. I can feel just fine knowing that people who come to visit will be safe, but I just make sure that people don’t come to visit when they are feeling sick. That really should be common sense. With all the money I have saved by not having to commute to work, I have just been saving that money up for a rainy day. Even though people are experiencing severe hardships, I have been doing just fine and I am thankful for that. Of course, I hope I don’t fall into a terrible situation, but I will try to do whatever it takes to make sure things remain positive in my life.


It’s about controlling the humidity as well

Living in this region is the only place that I can ever imagine spending the rest of my life.

It’s exactly what I want in a lot of ways. However, the weather is particularly wonderful. And I have plenty of experience with other regions and what they offer when it comes to climate. I spent over 25 years in the hotel business. Part of the deal in the business is that you move a whole lot. I saw the bone chilling cold that even maximum HVAC heating couldn’t help and I have seen scorched earth that demanded full time HVAC cooling. In this area, we for sure don’t have to deal with much winter. Sure, the heat pump my kick on now and again in order to knock the chill off the morning. But that’s really about the worst of it. However, the summer heat season is a completely different animal. It’s about five months of intense heat and humidity. There is no way to get through it without plenty of cooling HVAC comfort. However, the HVAC is not just cooling the house. The heat pump is an amazing machine in that it does a couple of things in the process of cooling the house. It starts by removing the warmer air from the house and exhausting it outside. But as it removes that warmer air, the heat pump is also removing a great deal of moisture from the air as well. That means by having the HVAC on you’re not only cooling the house but also balancing the humidity as well.
