Roommate compatibility matters; HVAC preferences

I can honestly say now that I am an easy person to live with.

  • Admittedly, I have doubted this fact about myself for as long as I can remember.

When I was growing up, my family did nothing but tell me how difficult I was. They were constantly acting like I was full of complaints and demands, but in reality I never felt like I spoke up at all. Now, as an adult, I have officially lived with enough people to know that I am a great housemate. Everyone I’ve ever resided with has said the same things; I’m extremely quiet, considerate, and clean. I’m responsible and always pay the bills. I am easy to talk to and simple to make plans with. All of that being said, I do feel like there is one area that I make complaints about. If there’s anything that bothers me and a house, it is the indoor air quality. I’m not crazy about it, but I do expect my indoor air to be relatively dry, clean, and odorless. I don’t want to see dog hair and dandruff floating through the air vents every time the heating or cooling system starts working. I don’t want to continually clean dust off of every surface because the air filter hasn’t been changed in two years. Most of all, I don’t want to sweat through every hot and humid summer night because our air conditioning system isn’t working properly. When it comes to my needs as a housemate, look no further than making routine Heating and Cooling service appointments and setting an effective temperature program on the thermostat.

air conditioner

There are so many people in this world with a good heart

I meet new people all the time in my line of work. I really enjoy meeting people and helping people out whenever I can. I also am inspired by the generosity of some people. It wasn’t too long ago when I had a new customer calling for HVAC help. When I went to the location, the customer actually said the HVAC assistance was not for him, but it was for his elderly neighbor across the street. He wanted her to feel like help was always right around the corner and people were willing to help out of the goodness of their hearts. He wanted me to help her with all her HVAC system needs and he would cover the bill, but he didn’t want her to know that he was the one paying for the HVAC help. This was a really unique job that I was taking on and it felt great helping this older lady out. When I went to her door, she asked what she could do for me. That’s when I came up with a story that I was there to offer free HVAC system maintenance and repair for the senior citizens in the community. I actually didn’t know what to say and I thought it might have sounded kind of lame, but she smiled and welcomed me in. She offered to make me some dinner and everything. The food she was making smelled so good, that I agreed to have a bite after I finished working on her HVAC system. She said it was so nice to have people like me helping the older folks in the community, and she treated me like family. I felt really good after repairing her HVAC. I did a tune-up on the system, changed a few worn out parts, and made sure the thermostat was in good shape. By the time I was done, everything was working great and the nice old lady even packed me up some food to go. I reported to the neighbor who paid for the services, and he said he wanted to do this thing regularly for his neighbor. What a great guy.



Heat pump service

Creative juices flow with the right temperature control settings

My wife has long been my muse.

She is the inspiration for my artwork and I am always coming up with something creative.

I love to paint portraits of her and she will actually pose for me for hours at times. The thing is, she must have the temperature control settings just right. This is why I had HVAC zone control installed in our home. I actually have my own art studio in the basement which is basically like a man-cave for an artist. I do all types of artwork including portraits, statues, and other pieces that come together. I also made sure to install a smart thermostat so that my wife is able to adjust the temperature control settings as needed especially when she poses for my artwork. It’s great because while we are down in the art studio, we don’t have to waste energy on heating or cooling the rest of the household. The HVAC zone control with the smart thermostat has saved us a tremendous amount of money over the last year ever since I went for the HVAC upgrade. My wife is happy and I’m happy because she is always comfortable when she is working with me and I am always making good money selling my artwork. I wouldn’t say that I’m the best artist around, but I feel that I do good in my work. I always try to get really creative like painting my wife as an angel fighting against a devil and things like that. I always try to go for something peaceful, intense, or full of life and energy. I also feel that with the right temperature control settings, the creative juices easily flow.

How do you handle an HVAC breakdown?

How do you handle an HVAC breakdown? I believe that there are three generic types of responses that can happen when your HVAC unit suddenly stops working.

The first response to an HVAC breakdown is for the rich person.

When someone has a lot of money, they don’t worry at all about their HVAC units not working. If their furnace or central air conditioner stops working, they immediately call an HVAC company to get their HVAC unit fixed immediately, no matter what the cost. They have so much money that an HVAC problem isn’t a big deal. Even if they aren’t filthy rich, they might have money saved and set aside for an HVAC problem that comes into use at this moment. The second response is that of the HVAC technician. An HVAC technician may not have a lot of money, but if their furnace or air conditioner stops working, they don’t have to worry. The only thing that the HVAC technician has to do is put in the time and effort to fix the HVAC unit themselves. There are a lot of men who may not officially be an HVAC technician, but they probably have just as much experience fixing an HVAC unit as an HVAC technician. The final response is from the person who doesn’t have the money or the experience necessary to have their HVAC unit. Their immediate response is panic because they have no way to get their HVAC unit fixed. Hopefully, you never fall into this category. The worst thing that you can be during an HVAC breakdown is unprepared.

a/c products

I would trust my HVAC technician with my life

I would honestly trust my HVAC technician with my life.

I don’t mean this in a hypothetical hostage situation. I have no idea what kind of background my HVAC technician has, but I doubt that he has ever served in law enforcement or military. However, when it comes to my HVAC units, there is no doubt that I trust the HVAC technician that is working at my house. Every year when I have the HVAC technician come to my house to inspect the HVAC units to ensure that they are working, I trust the HVAC technician. When he tells me that I need to replace a part on my furnace to ensure that it will make it through the winter, I always pay the HVAC technician to replace that part. If the HVAC technician tells me that I need to have some repair done on my air conditioner, I do it. The HVAC technician has always been there to fix my HVAC unit when I needed it, and he has never let me down. The HVAC technician has also come to my house in the middle of the night to fix my furnace during a cold winter night, and I really appreciated that. The HVAC technician probably didn’t want to come to fix my HVAC unit, but he did. Because of this, I know that I can trust my HVAC technician. That is why I don’t know anything and why I don’t plan to learn anything about my HVAC technician. Do you have an HVAC technician that comes to your house that you trust like that?

Local contractor

My furnace makes it really hard to clean

My furnace makes my house very hard to clean.

I know that it may seem like a little thing, but it honestly frustrates me that my furnace does this too me.

I don’t know if my furnace would make such a mess if I didn’t live in a big city, but since I live in a very polluted city, I have found that my furnace blows around more dust in my house than my kids could ever track into the house from not taking their shoes off. I literally have to sweep my house every day when the furnace is running. At first, I just figured it was because of the air outside, but the problem only happens while the furnace is running. If the furnace isn’t running in my house, then I literally have no problem with keeping my house clean. Even if I sweep more often while the furnace runs, I still have trouble with the dirt making my feet dirty. This means that I also have to mop more often if my furnace is running. I have considered trying to find a different heating system that didn’t rely on forced-air for heating your house, but I don’t know if it would be practical for me to try to change how I heat my home. I know that a lot of people have recommended different air filters for my furnace, but I have tried many, and none of them have helped. The only thing that I can think of is to have an HVAC technician install a separate air purifier.

ductwork sealing

My air conditioner ruined everything in my house

My air conditioner ruined everything in my house.

It didn’t literally ruin everything in my house as far as destroying anything.

I know that a lot of people have had a house fire that started because of their furnace, but that did not happen in my case. My house did get dirtier because of the air conditioner, but that isn’t the same thing as destroying my house. However, don’t worry. I can explain why the house became a mess because of the air conditioner. When I say that my house was ruined because of my air conditioner, I actually mean that the ambiance or mood of my house was ruined because of the air conditioner. Before we purchased the air conditioner, our family was a very active family. We spent a lot of time outside, mainly because our house was too warm without an air conditioner. However, we didn’t feel like it was a sacrifice to spend time outside because of the air conditioner. We actually liked spending time outside. However, we convinced ourselves that it would be nice to have an air conditioner for our house on a rainy day when we couldn’t go outside. We purchased an air conditioner, and everything changed. We didn’t just use the air conditioner during rainy days, and we began spending most of our free time inside where the air conditioner was keeping us comfortable. Since the air conditioner was making us comfortable, we also spent time watching television. We became very lazy, and we didn’t clean, cook, or do anything besides relax. It was all because of the air conditioner.

Furnace filter for sale

The pet gate

I love my dog so when I had planned to go on vacation for a week I wanted to be sure she was well taken care of.

My mom made a plan that while I was away she would come over to my house everyday to feed her, play with her and walk her.Before I left I decided to pick up a pet gate. My dog liked to go around and chew on the furniture. She was young, and not fully trained yet so until she was trained, I decided to keep her in one room with the pet gate. I set it up nice and comfy for her. I gave her blankets to lay on it, music to listen to, plenty of food and water, and some toys to play with. But now it was time for me to leave, Things were going well so far, I had been driving for three hours in the summer heat but I didn’t take note of the heat until my car air conditioning suddenly died. I was surprised and put my hand in front of the air vents but all that came out was hot air. Hot air wouldn’t do many in good so I turned it off. I groaned inwardly, of all times this could happen why on my trip? I pulled over and started googling HVAC companies that could fix my a/c problem. To my luck, there was a heating and cooling business only five miles from here. I headed over to the store and went inside and a cooling specialist came out to examine my a/c. He instantly knew what was wrong and went inside the store to get me the part I needed. My a/c was fixed the same day and I was back on my way.


Heating service

The gaming room

I have always loved PC gaming.

It was a hobby that not many understood, so when I found a group of friends that shared their passion for gaming as much as I did, I was thrilled. We would play games for hours at a time and were highly competitive with each other. Just the other day my friend Matthew called me and told me he had set up the coolest gaming room and we were all invited over to his place this weekend for a night of fun. I told him I would be there and was so excited! On Saturday I headed over to his house. The lights were out, the room being lit only by the light coming from the multiple computer screens. The setting was perfect and the room had nice and cool air that circulated around the room. We all got on our computers and I commented “It feels really nice in here” Matthew responded by asking “Remember that really junky a/c system I had? Yeah well I got rid of it” He went into detail about how the cool air that comes from the air vents really helps to create the perfect environment for gaming. He said his uncle owns a large heating and cooling company and when he called his uncle complaining that his air conditioning was a piece of junk, his uncle gave him a brand new a/c unit for free. I was shocked, how lucky he was to get a freebie! He said even the installation was free and explained that his uncle will provide all HVAC services to the family free of charge. His business is highly successful so he wasn’t too worried about losing money. He was right, the cool air emitted from the a/c unit made the environment even better.
ductwork cleaning

The business Heating plus A/C tune up

My contractor has just celebrated its 100th birthday.

They threw a entirely fun party for employees and their families.

They’re committed to 100 more years of innovation and redoubled that commitment while I was in the huge event. One of the first things they did, as a show of keeping their word, was the much-needed upgrading of their Heating plus A/C system. Our bad old Heating plus A/C method had been around for easily the last 30 years if not longer. The contractor ended up overhauling their entire Heating plus A/C method and sprung for an awesome commercial air conditioner and heater. They went for a boiler heating system as a way to avoid worrying about HVAC duct cleaning as required by an lavish commercial Heating plus A/C repair plan. In the same vein, they also upgraded to a multi cut air conditioner. Again, ductless! They went with ductless air conditioner to save on that HVAC duct cleaning cost that comes along with huge commercial Heating plus A/C systems. I was genuinely interested in this- my father was an Heating plus A/C dealer. I had never heard of ductless air conditioner before. The multi cut air conditioner uses an outdoor unit with several smaller, indoor units to disperse the cool air. Of course, I have heard of ductless heating- boilers have been around a long time. A lot of commercial Heating plus A/C systems include boilers just because they’re easier to keep up with, i think everyone was cheerful to see our Heating plus A/C method receive its much-needed upgrade and both of us are all looking forward to seeing how else the contractor plans to continue moving into the next century. According to the higher ups, the multi cut air conditioner can genuinely last a lifetime- so likely a century from now the employees cannot expect an air conditioner upgrade; maybe the future employees can look forward to a up-to-date heater!

Home owner solutions