The summer here is brutal without cooling

It would be one thing if all I had to do was deal with the heat of the summer.

Where I live, that just isn’t the way it works.

Nope, I get the full version of summer. The heat stays around the triple digits for a several month stretch! We also get a full helping of steep, steep humidity levels. It’s almost as though a person could slice a chunk of steamy sizzling air and hold it in their hand. I can’t even imagine what living in this region must have been like before the modern HVAC unit. My mom is always talking about how her childhood house had nothing but a swamp cooler and some fans. A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler which cools the air a bit. But, those seasoned things had none of the power that a modern HVAC component has. Thankfully for us, we don’t have to worry about that. I love our HVAC method. Of course, like almost everyone else, we have a heat pump. That thing can genuinely get the job done. It’s genuinely the only way I can survive the summer. But, it’s not just cooling the air in the house. It also is balancing the humidity as it cools. Part of the HVAC unit cooling process is removing moderate air and disappointing it outside. When that happens, a good deal of moisture in the air is also fatigued outside. This is what keeps the humidity level balanced inside your home. Without that process we would be dealing with a whole lot of mold and mildew.

Air cleaner

HVAC balances the humidity for you

It would be one thing if all I had to do was deal with the heat of the summer. But where I live, that just isn’t the way it works. Nope, I get the full business of summer. The heat stays around the triple digits for a four month stretch. And we also get a full helping of steep, steep humidity levels. It’s almost as though a person could could slice a chunk of steamy hot air and hold it in their hand. I can’t even imagine what living in this region must have been like before modern HVAC. My dad is always talking about how his childhood home had nothing but a swamp cooler and some fans. A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler which cools the air a bit. But, those old things had none of the power that a modern HVAC unit has. Thankfully for us, we don’t have to worry about that. I love my HVAC method. Of course, like most everyone else, we have a heat pump. That thing can really get the job done. It’s really the only way I can survive the summer. But, it’s not just cooling the air in the house. It also is balancing the humidity as it cools. Part of the HVAC cooling process is removing warm air and exhausting it outside. When that happens, a great deal of moisture in the air is also exhausted outside. This is what keeps the humidity level balanced inside your home. Without that process we would be dealing with a whole lot of mold and mildew.


Heating dealer

I had my A/C replaced in my new country home

Not only are they entirely professional but they are entirely expert as well

There is such a culture shock when you go from living in the suburbs all your life to living in a tiny town. I could hardly believe it at first and thought that perhaps I had made a mistake. Yet, I entirely was sick of renting in the suburbs and wanted those daily rent checks to entirely count. So, I bought a small home in the country which requires a commute to the city. But, it’s entirely not all that bad because I don’t have to go to the office each day. I task primarily from the heating and A/C comfort of my home. It sure is nice writing the mortgage check each week knowing that I’m building some equity. Additionally, it’s nice to be out of all the noise, traffic and concrete. I don’t miss that. While I do miss some of the eating and entertainment options, I love my little home in my newly adopted little town. The home I bought had an old heating and A/C. The seller wasn’t interested in replacing it so I was able to negotiate an entirely great deal. He lost thousands of dollars due to his reluctance to substitute the heating and A/C. But, that is what it is. I’m now in the process of having the heating and A/C substituted. The local heating and A/C people have been awesome. I see why they come so highly requested . Not only are they entirely professional but they are entirely expert as well. They helped me narrow down my heating and A/C options and now the upgrade of the new heating and A/C unit is just days away.
Air conditioning repair

My country home didn’t have a good HVAC system

There is such a culture shock when you go from living in the city all your life to living in a tiny town.

I could hardly know it at first and thought that perhaps I had made a mistake.

Yet, I entirely was sick of renting in the city and wanted those biweekly rent checks to particularly count. So, I bought a small home in the country which requires a commute to the city. But, it’s entirely not all that bad because I don’t have to go to the office each afternoon. I work primarily from the HVAC comfort of our home. It sure is nice writing the mortgage check each month knowing that I’m building some equity. Additionally, it’s nice to be out of all the noise, traffic and concrete. I don’t miss that. While I do miss some of the eating and entertainment options, I care about my little home in my newly adopted little town. The home I bought had an old HVAC. The seller wasn’t interested in replacing it so I was able to negotiate an entirely nice deal. Honestly, he lost thousands of dollars due to his reluctance to substitute the HVAC unit. But, that is what it is. I’m now in the process of having the HVAC substituted. The local HVAC people have been awesome. I see why they come so highly recommended. Not only are they entirely professional but they are entirely expert as well. They helped me narrow down my HVAC chances plus now the replacement of the new HVAC component is just afternoons away.

Furnace filter for sale

I like my little home in the country

There is such a culture shock when you go from living in the neighborhood all your life to living in a tiny town. I could hardly think it at first and thought that perhaps I had made a mistake. Yet, I unquestionably was sick of renting in the neighborhood and wanted those biweekly rent checks to count. So, I purchased a small house in the country which requires a commute to the city. But, it’s not all that exhausting because I don’t have to go to the office each morning. I work primarily from the HVAC comfort of my home. It sure is nice writing the mortgage check each month knowing that I’m building some equity. Additionally, it’s nice to be out of all the noise, traffic and concrete. I don’t miss that. While I do miss some of the eating and entertainment options, I care about my little house in my newly adopted little town. The house I purchased had an outdated HVAC. The seller wasn’t interested in replacing it so I was able to negotiate a unquestionably great deal. Honestly, he lost thousands of dollars due to his reluctance to upgrade the HVAC. But, that is what it is. I’m now in the process of having the HVAC upgraded. The local HVAC people have been awesome. I see why they come so highly recommended. Not only are they unquestionably professional but they are unquestionably expert as well. They helped me narrow down my HVAC opportunities and now the replacement of the current HVAC component is just days away.


HVAC equipment

I moved from the city to the country

There is such a culture shock when you go from living in the city all your life to living in a tiny town. I could hardly believe it at first and thought that perhaps I had made a mistake. Yet, I entirely was sick of renting in the city and wanted those rent checks to entirely count. So, I purchased a small home in the country which requires a commute to the city. It’s entirely not all that bad because I don’t have to go to work each afternoon. I work primarily from the heating and air conditioning comfort of our home. It sure is nice writing the mortgage check each month knowing that I’m building some equity. Additionally, it’s nice to be out of all the noise, traffic and concrete. I don’t miss that. While I do miss some of the eating and entertainment options, I like our little home in our newly adopted little town. The home I purchased had an old heating and air conditioning. The seller wasn’t interested in replacing it so I was able to negotiate a entirely enjoyable deal. Honestly, she lost thousands of dollars due to her reluctance to substitute the heating and air conditioning. But, that is what it is. I’m now in the process of having the heating and air conditioning substituted. The local heating and air conditioning people have been awesome. I see why they come so highly recommended. Not only are they entirely professional, they are entirely experts as well. They helped me narrow down our HVAC options and now the replacement of the new heating and air conditioning unit is just mornings away.
Air conditioner service plan

Calling the trusted HVAC people

Not only are they really professional but they are really expert as well

There is such a culture shock when you go from living in the city all your life to living in a tiny town. I could hardly believe it at first and thought that perhaps I had made a mistake. Yet, I really was sick of renting in the city and wanted those monthly rent checks to actually count. So, I bought a small house in the country which requires a commute to the city. But, it’s really not all that bad because I don’t have to go to the office each day. I work primarily from the HVAC comfort of my home. And it sure is nice writing the mortgage check each month knowing that I’m building some equity. Additionally, it’s nice to be out of all the noise, traffic and concrete. I don’t miss that. While I do miss some of the eating and entertainment options, I love my little house in my newly adopted little town. The house I bought had an old HVAC. The seller wasn’t interested in replacing it so I was able to negotiate a really good deal. Honestly, he lost thousands of dollars due to his reluctance to replace the HVAC. But, that is what it is. I’m now in the process of having the HVAC replaced. The local HVAC people have been awesome. I see why they come so highly recommended. Not only are they really professional but they are really expert as well. They helped me narrow down my HVAC options and now the installation of the new HVAC unit is just days away.


Electric fireplace

Working out in a space without heating or cooling

I make physical fitness a priority in my life.

I workout everyday and prefer to complete my exercises first thing in the morning.

I am fortunate to have a spacious lanai built on the back of my house that offers an ideal workout space. The floor of the lanai is a smooth cement and the ceilings are high. The entire back wall is entirely constructed out of screens, providing a gorgeous view and a wonderful breeze. In the area where I live, the weather is most often quite warm. I need to get started on my workout early in the morning, before the temperature heats up. Even then, I start sweating before I’ve even completed my warmup. Although I run a box fan, the heat and humidity is a challenge. Because of the screens, there’s no possibility of temperature control. While the rest of the house is air conditioned, the lanai isn’t. Most of the time, the weather is moderate enough that the conditions on the lanai are perfect. However, there are a couple of months during the middle of winter that can get super cold. I then need to wait until the temperature warms up later in the day before I can workout. Without access to a heater, I need to bundle up in sweatshirts and long pants. Warming up is difficult. My muscles feel tight and stiff and my feet tend to hurt. I’ve found that I’d much rather suffer the heat than the cold. I’ve considered purchasing a small, electric space heater but it would waste a great deal of energy. Although it might warm up the lanai a bit, the heated air would immediately escape right through the screens.

space heater

I should replace my furnace

The furnace currently installed in my home is positively ancient.

I know that it is going to fail in the near future. I’ve been living with all sorts of problems because I can’t afford the cost of a new furnace. I’ve researched the makes and models on the current market, and the higher quality options are super expensive. However, if I’m going to take out a loan and make payments on a furnace, I want a good one. I’d like to take advantage of the smart technology that achieves higher AFUE ratings, more consistent indoor temperature and superior air quality. The higher-end models feature adaptable-speed technology that automatically adjusts capacity to meet the changing demands of the weather. This type of operation avoids drafts, cold spots and overly dry air. Plus, a more efficient system will reduce my monthly utility bills. The savings will help pay for the new heater. I’m starting to think that I’ll be better off once I get rid of the outdated heating system. Even when the furnace was new, it only provided an 80% AFUE. I’m looking to install a model that offers a 96% efficiency rating. I’m also spending quite a bit of money on frequent repairs. I’m constantly buying new air filters in an effort to reduce the amount of dust floating around. I’m setting the thermostat as low as possible, bunding up in sweaters and the house always feels chilly. Rather than wait for the furnace to quit in the middle of a January blizzard, I should probably be proactive and schedule a convenient time for the installation.

Learning about high-velocity heating/cooling

Until I purchased a historical home, I’d never heard of high-velocity heating and cooling.

I’ve learned that this type of temperature control uses a process called aspiration to very quickly raise or lower room temperature.

A high-speed stream of air enters the space and creates enough of a gentle suction to draw the room’s air into the stream. This process eliminates drafts and creates very even temperature from floor to ceiling and from one room to another. At any given time, the temperature in every corner of the house is no more than two degrees higher or lower than the thermostat setting. The system doesn’t need to run as long as a conventional heating/cooling system and uses quite a bit less energy. Plus, a high-velocity system is designed to use mini ducts that are wrapped and insulted to minimize air losses. There’s approximately one-third less surface area than conventional ductwork. While traditional ducts can allow energy losses of up to 30%, the high-velocity alternative limits loss to under five percent. Because the ducts are only about two-inches in diameter, they don’t take up much space and can be routed through existing walls for installation without remodeling. The air handler is also exceptionally compact, can be configured horizontally or vertically and located right into the attic, closet or even a crawlspace. It features wonderfully effective cooling coils that remove up to 30% more humidity than conventional air conditioners. Less moisture in the air means I can set the thermostat higher without sacrificing comfort. For every degree I raise the thermostat in the summer, I reduce energy consumption by three percent.



heating company