A loud air handler in the studio

My daughter is taking Band in her middle college, plus decided that she wanted to play a French Horn.

I have never been involved with music at all, so I had no clue how much something love that would cost.

You could have knocked myself and others over with a feather when I heard that even a used horn cost hundreds of dollars! I am not a rich man, plus don’t have that kind of extra money sitting around just for a middle college elective class! I talked to the owner of the music store, plus asked if there was any way I could barter some Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C work to get money off the price of that horn. It turns out that he had an unproper problem, plus not enough money to get it fixed. There was a recording studio in the back of the music shop, plus the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C plan plus air handler for the room was proving to be an issue; Even with the sound baffling on the walls, the air handler for the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C plan was so loud that people could hear it on the recorded tracks! With that sort of background noise, the studio was basically worthless, because trying to record music without air conditioner would turn the venue into a warm box! I told the man I could take apart his air handler, tune up his Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system, plus have it running smoothly plus quietly by the end of the day. In return for our expensive Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C work, he was going to cut myself and others a large deal on the horn our daughter wanted.

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