I am looking for a mediterranean manor genre condominium down south

I have lived in the cold Wintertide temperature up north for long enough.

I considered moving down south while I was applying to undergraduate school, but the university in the tropics rejected our application.

Instead, I went to school in our state as well as stayed up north for the following six years. I hated the Wintertide temperature, but I was entirely saving a lot of money by paying instate tuition opposed to out of state tuition. This university also had fewer students, making some of our classes as small as 1 mentor to 20 students. In the end, I had the best possible education that I could have hoped for as an undergraduate student. I didn’t get stuck in a sea of endless students. When I graduated, I completed a numerous year graduate program at a university in an adjacent city. Once I had our master’s degree, I was ready to leave the cold northern temperature. I looked for a task down south as well as landed a position at a giant company near the ocean. At first I had to rent an apartment, but now I’m looking for a condo in this city. I want a condo or townhouse in the genre of Mediterranean manor. Surprisingly, this state is known for European genre architecture as well as interior design. It’s not that it’s hard to find a Mediterranean manor genre condo, the difficulty is finding 1 that isn’t extremely costly. Many of the subdivisions that feature these genre homes offer furnished properties with custom furniture. I’m willing to compromise as long as I find something beautiful as well as glamorous.


Contemporary condo

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