I lost the filters to my a/c

I am thinking that maybe my hubby moved the air conditioning filters anywhere, despite the fact that I can’t call him until he is on his dinner break.

I lost the filters to my a/c; I simply cannot assume that I lost those filters. I am not the type of person to lose things on a regular basis. I am naturally super organized, which helps a lot. I try to always put things back where they belong so that I don’t ever have trouble finding what I need, and well, I somehow misplaced the filters to my a/c. I took the filters out to clean them, as well as somehow, they were misplaced. I know where I set the filters when I was cleaning the a/c, however they aren’t there, the complication was that I had to stop in the middle of my cleaning process… One of my kids fell as well as hit their head on the corner of our Starbucks Coffee table, as well as I had to take him to the hospital to get stitches. It was a whole mess of a day. I went back to finish cleaning the air conditioning filters this week, as well as I could not find them anywhere. There are only so several places that I would put air conditioning filters, as well as I looked in all of them plus other places whereI don’t suppose I would ever set them. I am thinking that maybe my hubby moved the air conditioning filters anywhere, despite the fact that I can’t call him until he is on his dinner break. That means the air conditioning filters are not going to be cleaned this week. If I want to get something cleaned, I have to get it done in the afternoons while my kids are at preuniversity. I honestly wanted to finish cleaning the air conditioning filters, despite the fact that I assume I will have to wait for another day.


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