My mom and I found a large surprise in the air ducts in her apartment

My mom moved into a current condo building a couple of months ago, and when I went over to her arena to help her clean everything up before she moved in, I didn’t really suppose what I was in for, but the arena was really a large mess and I couldn’t guess that the previous occupants had left it in such poor shape; My mom said that they seemed like they had been in a hurry when they left, and so the people I was with and I just started cleaning, however one of the last things the people I was with and I did after wiping down and mopping the whole condo was so sweep out and vacuum all of the air vents, air registers, and overhead ductwork in the arena.

My mom is paranoid about breathing in dust and other debris that the previous occupants might have left behind.

So as she went around and unscrewed all of the air register covers, I went along behind her with the vacuum affixment and sucked out all of the dust and dirt from inside the ductwork. Inside the air vent in the hallway, the vacuum made a odd thunk sound and it stopped working. I unobstructed it and looked to see what was clogging it up. I couldn’t guess my eyep, however there was a giant gold nugget half the size of my fist clogging up the hose on the vacuum! Apparently, the previous occupants had been hoarding gold in their air vents! No wonder they were in a hurry to leave… All of us figured that they were genuinely involved in some criminal hobby or something. Otherwise, they would genuinely have stopped to get their gold out of the apartment’s ductwork.



Duct cleaning

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