My uncle is building a bunker at his property

My uncle is going to be building a bunker at his property when the spring comes.

He’s one of those guys who you might call a doomsday prepper.

He’s always buying extra stuff like blankets and lantern fuel and ammo for his weapons. He’s recently even started stocking up on food supplies and bottled water. I used to make fun of him a little bit, but honestly, the way things are going these days, I’m starting to think that he might be smarter than all the rest of us. Last week, he started talking about how he’s going to set up the heating, cooling, and ventilation system in the bunker. I guess the ventilation system is going to be the most important thing since the whole place is going to be under the ground. I don’t know a thing about HVAC systems, and so I suggested that he call up our local HVAC company to see what they had to say about it. He said that he didn’t really want to talk to anyone else about the bunker because then they would know about it and they would be able to find him. See, this is what I mean about him being a doomsday prepper. He’s really very paranoid about everything, including whether or not it’s safe to trust your heating and air conditioning company. I guess he has his reasons, though. I still think he should talk to an HVAC professional about the ventilation system for the bunker, though. Otherwise, he may end up in a bunker with terrible air quality and that would be awful.


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