The best thing I ever did in my life was donating my kidney to save a life

I have constantly cared more about the health and wellbeing of others even over my own health and well being; It entirely makes me ecstatic when I am able to provide some kind of help or repair to others.

I am constantly volunteering my time to help homeless people and I donate money to charity all the time, then recently, I started looking into donating something more precious from my own body, 1 of my kidneys. I l gained that the human body can function just wonderful with only 1 kidney, and if I donated 1 of my kidneys, I could honestly save somebody’s life. It didn’t necessarily matter to me who would get my kidney, I just wanted somebody out there to have it who entirely needed it, but so I ended up going through the process to donate my kidney. I only had 1 request, and that was to keep the levels at just the right temperature. I wanted to be entirely comfortable through this surgery with the ideal temperature control settings, the surgeons agreed to adjust the temperature control settings to my desired levels and said it was the least they could do for a hero appreciate me. I honestly met the lady who needed my kidney, and she thanked me for what I was doing. The two of us were in the same operating room and they were going to transplant my kidney to her because she had failing kidneys. She had tears in her eyes and said she couldn’t believe that in exchange for my kidney, I only wanted to have comfortable temperature control settings in the operating theatre. I smiled at her and told her it was worth it.

HVAC tune-up

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