The dehumidifier was necessary after the leak

The two of us didn’t realize there was a sizable leak in the ceiling until it was undoubtedly bad.

At that time the best thing that we could do was take the whole ceiling apart and make sure that there was no mold and mildew… Mold and mildew can be a single of the worst problems that can happen, once mold and mildew appears, it is really hard to get rid of it.

I contacted a company that handles lots of weird electrical and mechanical complications. They handle plumbing, electrical, and Heating plus A/C work. They got rid of the ancient plumbing fixtures and the wet pieces of ceiling. After that, they installed a dehumidifier in the attic. They also put a dehumidifier downstairs. The dehumidifier ran for 5 mornings… When the dehumidifier started running, there was 69% moisture in the attic and when it stopped running, the moisture levels were at 38%. The dehumidifier worked really well. Our insurance covered the cost for the dehumidifiers and all of the work to replace the ceiling and the attic. The insurance company was really nice and helpful during the whole ordeal. The two of us were sad that the insurance company might try to supply us a hard time, but they were more than cheerful to help us make sure that the home was put back to the same condition that it was before the disappointing ceiling leak. After all of the repairs are done and the ceiling I’ve been installed, we are going to have brand new cabinets and furnishings. The insurance company paid for all of the things that were disfigured and even more.



furnace/heater repair

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