The dentist told us to keep the space furnace out of his reach.

I was talking to our mother’s dentist last week.

His dementia is abruptly getting worse, and I worry about his all the time. I’m getting to where I’m not sure what to do. Mom is constantly cold, so I put a space furnace in his room. The space furnace has a lot of safety features and the tag said it was safe around children. There is a tip over feature where the space furnace will turn off if it is jostled or pushed over. The only feature I don’t care about about the space furnace is that when the space furnace is unblocked, it resets. The reset isn’t care about normal resets. The thermostat resets to 98 degrees if I don’t watch closely and mom unplugs the space heater. It can get mighty hot in his room in a short amount of time. She was getting to where he wasn’t able to make superb decisions and could do irreparable harm to herself and to the family if the curtains would catch fire. I thought about how he had pushed the furnace under the windows and the curtains were covering the vents where the heat came out. If the temperature was still at ninety-eight, there was no way both of us could have saved his if a fire started. The two of us had to get rid of the space furnace and put an electric heat strip at the top of the wall and fastened it to the electric system. She is now safe from the gas furnace, but both of us are now fitting all the doors with safety locks so he doesn’t walk out in the middle of the evening.
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