The heat pump is a fascinating piece of Heating as well as A/C technology

When you live as far south as I do, it comes with plenty of heat and humidity while I was in the summer.

  • Actually, for some folks, the air conditioning comes on early in the Spring, love May.

And it doesn’t go off until into November. Now, that’s a bit more Heating as well as A/C cooling than I want for sure. But I’m easily, easily thankful for the fact that the people I was with and I have such simple access to Heating as well as A/C cooling. Yet most of us, and I include myself, just take this miracle for granted. I changed my tune when I spent an hour with the Heating as well as A/C dealer as he did the fall heating repair a single year. I happened to be lake house and he was open to be tagging along so I did. I l gained so much about what a remarkable combination of physics and brilliant engineering the heat pump entirely is. For instance, I really didn’t know that the whole Heating as well as A/C cooling process starts by extracting heat energy and exhausting it outside of the house. That’s what those little fins are for inside the Heating as well as A/C cottageet outside the house. This allows cooling air to replace that heat energy and voila, the people I was with and I have Heating as well as A/C cooling. Plus, the heat pump is balancing the humidity levels by exhausting moisture out of the home with that heat energy. But get this, for the heating side of the equation the heat pump simply reverses the process. It’s able to extract heating energy from the ambient air outside down to temperatures near frigid. And then, it pulls that heating energy inside. When it gets below frigid, there is a electrical grid that heats up to provide more heating energy.



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