The summer time parade was cooler than ever

In our town, we have a pretty good amount of downtown celebrations… One of the things that I care about doing most is the summer season parade. The summer time parade commonly happens in July sometime. It definitely is not the same as the Fourth of July parade. If they ever start being politically respected so much that they call the 4th of July parade a summer season parade, I will boycott it in a heartbeat. Anyway I digress. This year I chose to go to the summer time parade although I legitimately did not wish to stay long. It is sizzling here in the summer, & as I get older I find it pretty tough to put up with the heat & humidity. Anyway, this particular year, I found myself staying for the whole thing. The reason is simple. The summer time parade sponsor was a Heating, Ventilation, & A/C equipment business! The heating & cooling business brought out A/C in an impressive way! They had portable a/cs set up in tents all over the arena. The parade route was just full of A/C equipment. All these A/C units were essentially like a blessing from heaven. On top of that, I discovered that when their float came moving by, the hair on the young girls was blowing in the wind. I thought that it was basically because they were moving, but of course, that was not the case. They had portable a/c equipment working on their float! The young gentlemen & women who were severely lucky to ride on the heating & cooling float were more comfortable than ever. I assume it is amazing that this year our summer time parade sponsor chose to offer a bunch of A/C equipment because nothing could have made me stay other than that. I am pretty certain that the other Vendors were ecstatic too, because I stayed long enough to spend more currency at the other booths.

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