Can’t believe where I live

When our mom as well as dad retired, they decided to transfer to Clearwater Beach, but clearwater Beach is in FL, as well as our mom as well as dad as well as the rest of our family have constantly lived in NY! People joke about moving to FL when they retire, but none of our friends or family ever left the area.

In fact, most of our family as well as cousins live within multiple blocks of our house.

We grew up playing stickball in the streets. We went to the same public school. When our mom as well as dad said they were going to transfer to Clearwater Beach in FL, I thought it was a joke. After an hour of discussion, I abruptly realized that our mom as well as dad were dead serious. They were even looking at property already. Then our mom as well as dad said that they wanted myself and others to transfer to Clearwater Beach, FL as well. I immediately scoffed at the request, until our dad told myself and others that he wanted us to open a supplier in Clearwater Beach. They would have plenty of currency after selling the house in NY, as well as our dad wanted the 2 of us to open a small fishing charter. A lot of things were happening at once, as well as it took some time for everything to sink into our brain. My dad was offering myself and others a chance at the brass ring. Unfortunately, it meant having to leave all of our friends as well as family behind. It took weeks of contemplation before I was able to make a decision that I felt was sound. Can you believe where I live now?

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