Couldn’t have done it without great HVAC guidance

When we bought this house, we knew that it was going to take plenty of time, money and effort to bring it back to its former glory.

And that was something that we really had to consider prior to pulling the trigger on buying this house.

We weren’t exactly spring chickens any longer. Wouldn’t we rather be sipping cocktails in the air conditioning instead? It was a legitimate considerations given the amount of work that we would be facing. But the challenge just didn’t outweigh our vision of what this house could be. And thanks to great help, patience, perseverance and some great HVAC, we crossed the finish line. The house is just a masterpiece and actually exceeds our expectations and wishes. But again, without the expert help we received, there’s no way we get this sort of result. One of the toughest things to do was to put modern residential HVAC in a house that wasn’t designed to have it. Now, previous owners had slapped together what might be recognized as residential HVAC but even that was a stretch. We sought and received the best help from the best HVAC contractor in the region. He ended up using a ductless multi split heating and cooling system in our home. It fits perfect with the aesthetics but delivers the highest quality heating and cooling we could ask for. I love the fact that since there are five ductless heat pumps strategically placed around the house, we can customize the heating and cooling. It’s just even better than I could have ever dreamed that it would be.

Ductless multi split

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