Did you guess that some people suppose that air conditioner systems cause cancer?

Did you guess that some people really suppose that cooling systems cause cancer? I l earned that while teaching English in a foreign country, and it genuinely blew our mind, but obviously, the entire tie between cancer and cooling systems is really the most far-fetched and extreme, but they have a lot more prejudices against cooling systems than that, let me explain, when I went to teach over in that foreign country, I was very ecstatic to find out that it was a pretty civilized locale; There were several cooling systems in our house, and I had an cooling system in the classroom where I was teaching.

Thankfully, I was allowed to use the cooling system as much as I wanted in our house, despite the fact that I was always bothered by people who didn’t prefer that I was using an cooling system in our own classroom, however honestly, it became very discouraging to have our students and their parents comment about the cooling system.

They used to complain about how cold it was in our classroom, i had the cooling system set to 68 degrees, so that had no reason to complain. They would complain that the cooling system would cause them to get sick, and they even mentioned that the cooling system would cause cancer. They hated it when I kept the cooling system on, despite the fact that I refused to turn the cooling system off for them. Their parents used to bundle them up in jackets since I had the cooling system on, and the school wouldn’t allow me to keep the cooling system on at night in case it caught on fire. I couldn’t suppose how silly the views were about cooling systems.

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