I can’t believe he stole my dad’s heart meds.

Knowing how my mom felt about HVAC technicians, I made it a point to be at her home whenever she needed any type of HVAC work done.

I had tried to talk her out of his distrust, but there was no talking to her.

She was sure that all HVAC technicians were bad people. I had never known my mom to be so stubborn. We sat there talking over the weekend, and I asked her if there was a specific reason for her not to trust HVAC technicians. She told me about what had happened when my dad was still alive. They had been having some pretty major problems with the furnace, and they called the local HVAC company. It took the technician nearly an hour to assess the furnace. He came upstairs and told them they were right about their fears. They definitely needed a new furnace. Since they had to purchase a new furnace, the HVAC tech didn’t charge them for the service call, and he told them an HVAC contractor would be there the following morning. When the young man left, dad commented on how nice he was as he went into the kitchen. Along with the bill, which had been left on the kitchen counter, he had also taken his heart meds. They couldn’t prove it was the HVAC technician, but the owner found them in the man’s shirt pocket. She said she hadn’t trusted an HVAC technician or anyone else who was a repair person ever since that occurred. Although it seemed wrong to blame repair people for what one man did, I could understand why she was so distrusting.



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