I fell asleep behind the wheel of our truck

I was on our way lake modern home from labor on Thursday and I fell asleep behind the wheel.

I worked all morning on Thursday and Thursday and I was busy.

I spent multiple hours on Thursday installing radiant flooring in a beach house. It took more than an hour to drive out to the beach and traffic was plugged the whole time. The morning was entirely long, but I still went out with our friends that night. All of us were celebrating Kenny’s engagement and I didn’t want to miss out on the fun. All of us went to three strange bars and a nightclub before all of us were done for the night, and by the time I passed out on our bed, it was 3am. I had an emergency call as soon as the sun came up and I was out the door in multiple minutes. I drove back over to the beach to investigate the radiant flooring issue. Thankfully, the radiant flooring was installed officially, but I never attached the central terminal that supplies power to the flooring. It was a insane goof up absolutely due to our tire state. On our way back from the beach, I could believe our eyes starting to grow weary… None of times I caught myself drifting off to sleep. I barely made it off the freeway. I was on a country road when I fell asleep behind the wheel. I didn’t wake up until the ambulance driver was shining a light in our face. I must have passed out when the truck struck the tree. I had to get fourteen stitches in our head and I’ll be out of labor for three weeks.



heating business

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