I’m not really outdoors person for a reason

I have a love-hate relationship with going outdoors.

In one way, I love it.

Not so much for the environment, but because of the beautiful scenery I am surrounded by. I am lucky enough to live in an old home far off from most people. My home is also surrounded by forest, and waking up at dawn to watch the morning light peek through the trees is so pretty. Hearing the early birds sing and feeling the breeze in my hair is also awesome. So that is the nice part. At the same time, I have allergy issues, and because of that, any time I go outside I start getting a runny nose and I start sneezing. My eyes start itching and I just feel miserable. I have always been sensitive to my surroundings, but honestly I forget sometimes because of how often I am in my cottage. You see, my cottage has a whole home indoor air purification system. The air cleaner does a fantastic job of keeping my indoor air quality high, to the point where I don’t even need allergy medications anymore. Combine the air cleaner with the HEPA filters in my air conditioner, and you can see why I could almost forget that I have such bad allergies. That is the great thing in HVAC technology, we have come so far and advanced that I can practically make my allergies disappear by living in my own safe and pollen free bubble with the utmost high indoor air quality. I’m so thankful for the impact it has made on my life.

Whole home air purification

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