It was the most beautiful wood furniture I've ever seen.

I remember going into my Grandmother’s house when I was very little, and she had the most beautiful wood furniture I had ever seen, but now that I am older, I am finding it hard to believe that she very allowed us to play on the furniture.

I remember one time when she got very aggravated with my sibling and I, because the two of us had taken our wax crayons and painted all over the chairs, then when she asked why the two of us thought it was necessary to paint her wood furniture, the two of us very calmly told her that the two of us wanted to make it more beautiful for her, then she gave us big hugs and told us not to touch the wood furniture with crayons, but if the two of us absolutely wanted to help she would supply us each a cotton towel and the two of us can very carefully clean the crayon off. We both looked at each other oddly, because the two of us knew that what the two of us were doing was cleaning up our mess. I look back on that time now and I miss my Grandmother. She once told me when I got older that it was the original furniture that her mother and father had bought when they got married almost 68 years earlier. When she passed away she and Grandpa had been married 60 years which made the wood furniture almost 140 years old. In her will, the wood furniture was to be given to my sibling and I. She said she knew that the two of us would take care of it and the lawyer handed each of us a cotton cloth. We burst out laughing because the two of us were the only ones who understood the story of the cotton cloth.



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