My grandparents used to hide things in their air ducts

Back when I was a kid, I remember my grandma and grandpa used to hide all kinds of things in the air ducts in their house.

I used to think that it was so weird for them to do that, and then my mom explained to me that they had both survived a war where they had to hide food and medicine from enemy soldiers just so that they could survive.

Then it started to make more sense to me. Well, one of the weird things that I noticed one day when I was helping them clean was how they used to put all kinds of money and valuables in their air conditioning ducts. I decided to clean the air vents for them and when I was using a duster in an air vent on their bedroom ceiling, money started falling out of the air vent! I was surprised at first, of course, but then I remembered how they liked to hide things. I told my grandma that I had found a lot of money in the air conditioning ducts and she laughed and said that she wondered where that money had gotten to. She said that we should go around the whole house and check all of the air vents and then we might get rich. I don’t know if she was kidding or not, but I think that when the time comes, we’re going to have a hard time finding all of their money and valuables. It’s probably all going to be stuffed inside their ventilation system somewhere.
a/c care

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