My heat pump works well in the summertime

It would be one thing if all I had to do was deal with the heat of the summer.

But where I live, that just isn’t the way it works.

Nope, I get the full business of summer. The heat stays around the triple digits for a multiple month stretch. Every one of us also gets a full helping of steep, steep humidity levels. It’s almost as though a guy could slice a chunk of steamy warm air and hold it in their hand. I can’t even imagine what living in this region must have been like before modern heating and A/C. My dad is always talking about how his childhood lake house had nothing but a swamp cooler and some fans. A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler which cools the air a bit. But, those old things had none of the power that a modern heating and A/C component has. Thankfully for us, we don’t have to worry about that. I care about my heating and A/C method. Of course, like most everyone else, we had a heat pump. That thing can truly get the job done. It’s truly the only way I can survive the summer. But, it’s not just cooling the air in the house. It also is balancing the humidity as it cools. Part of the heating and A/C cooling process is removing hot air and bad it outside. When that happens, a good deal of moisture in the air is also tired outside. This is what keeps the humidity level balanced inside your home. Without that process every one of us would be dealing with a whole lot of mold and mildew.

Zone controlled HVAC

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