My phone has changed how I workout

I have enjoyed a lot of benefits from my smartphone.

  • At first, I was one of those people who scoffed at smartphones.

I was upset by the cost of them. However, once I finally bought a smartphone, I knew I could no longer go without it. There are just too many advantages and conveniences. I love that I can take pictures, check the time and weather and send text messages. One of the best features of the smartphone is the built-in GPS. I never had a GPS included in my vehicle and I was constantly getting lost. That my smartphone has this feature is such a bonus. Another opportunity that I love is being able to stream music. I used to only listen to FM stereo or CDs. Now and then, I’d connect my IPod and struggle to get it to play through the speakers of the vehicle. Having the ability to stream Pandora, Youtube, or Spotify is one of the best advantages of smartphone technology. I have also downloaded several workout apps. I have a running app that is fantastic. It tracks my runs, provides my current speed and pace and lets me know if I’m close to beating my personal best. It’s a really motivational. I definitely run faster and longer because of the app. Another great workout app is for jumping rope. The app provides guided workouts. It tracks my workouts and offers challenges. I can choose from jump rope workouts for beginner, intermediate or advanced levels. They last anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. Some of the sessions are strictly built around jumping and incorporate different types of jumps. Others include exercises such as lunges, abdominal crunches and push-ups.


Personal trainer

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