Sad to see reputable HVAC business close

At the end of my HVAC tune up appointment, as the A/C technician was giving me the bill, he told me that the HVAC business is closing, so they are having a deal on some of their products.

I was incredibly saddened to hear that they were closing.

This particular HVAC corporation had been in my area for 20 years and was known for being fast and efficient. I have used their services multiple times and I can attest that they are a really great business. Hearing they were closing was really saddening because the only other heating and cooling business around here had less than stellar reviews and ratings. I went ahead and bought a few of the things they had on sale, which was a box of air filters and an air purifier. A few days later passed, and as I was driving home from work, I stopped by the air conditioning business and saw a sign on their door. It said that they were closing to move to a new location in some other city. I searched up the city and it was an hour away from me, so there was no way I could continue getting HVAC service from them, unless I started ordering products online. But even then, I couldn’t get repair or maintenance service like I do now. I’m glad I was able to get service from them one last time, and my air conditioning and furnace will be set for the rest of the year. I guess after that I will have to start relying on the other A/C business.


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