There was so much heat coming off the light bulb that I thought I was sunburned.

I hated going into our basement because it had an unfinished floor, and it was always cold and damp.

The basement light switch was at the bottom of the steps which made me even more hesitant to go down there.

When my husband told me I had to show the HVAC technician down into the basement so he could inspect the furnace, I shuddered. I didn’t like the idea of going down there even if someone was with me. The furnace could have blown up and I wouldn’t have felt compelled to go down there so why would I take the HVAC technician down there. When the HVAC technician arrived, I showed him to the basement door and told him the furnace was down there. He reached around the inside and asked where the light switch was? I knew I had to go down and turn on the light. I never gave a thought to the lightbulb and what would happen when I turned it on. What I never thought was how bright the light was going to be. My husband told me he changed the light bulb, but I didn’t think it was going to be a 100 Watt light bulb, or that it would throw off so much heat. The heat from the light bulb felt like it was going to give me a sunburn. While standing under the light, I didn’t even think about needing the furnace to warm me up. That’s when I realized I was in the basement and I knew I had to go back upstairs.
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