Why should I buy a central air conditioner?

Why should I buy a central air conditioner? Honestly, I don’t understand all the hype about owning a central air conditioner.

I have lived a long time, and I have never needed a central air conditioner.

I don’t even own a regular window air conditioner. I understand why someone in the South might need a central air conditioner. During the summer, the temperatures in the South are very warm, and I would imagine that it would be very difficult to be comfortable if you did not own a central air conditioner even though there were generations of people that managed to do it. However, I live in the North, where the temperatures don’t even get that hot. I don’t understand why anyone up here even needed a central air conditioner. We only have really warm temperatures for a few weeks, and then it is pretty comfortable. Buying central air conditioners seems very expensive if you are only going to use them for a few weeks. I think that people have just become accustomed to extreme comfort, and they don’t know how to live without a central air conditioner. I am afraid that if I buy a central air conditioner, I will become weaker. There are a lot of places around the work that don’t have any central air conditioners. I don’t mind if people have central air conditioners, but I don’t understand why people think that I need a central air conditioner. I have lived my entire life without a central air conditioner. Apparently, I have managed to survive without one all these years. I don’t think that I am going to change my mind now.


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