I bought an air purifier from a homeless person

I bought an air purifier from a homeless person.

I don’t know how I ended up meeting this man, but he was super kind.

I asked him if I could buy him something to eat, and he told me that I could buy an air purifier off of him to help him make some money. I decided to buy the air purifier because I had been wanting one anyways. I wasn’t sure if it would work or not, but I was planning on giving the guy some money anyways, so the fact that I was going to get an air purifier out of it was pretty nice. I bought the air purifier and took it home. I told the story to my husband, and he could not believe it. He thought for sure that the air purifier would not work at all. I plugged in the air purifier, and it turned on just fine. I thought that there was probably a catch, but it works great. I am still in shock that the air purifier works perfectly. I love the air purifier. It is honestly the nicest air purifier that I have ever owned. I was not expecting to be this nice. My husband was so shocked that he didn’t believe me that the air purifier worked until he tried it himself. I have been using the air purifier for a few weeks now, and I still cannot believe it. I will continue to use the air purifier until it dies. It is so much nicer than my last air purifier. I feel like it is actually working. My last air purifier never seemed to actually do anything.


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