I don't know about you, but I could supply up a lot, however not our air conditioning.

I don’t know how anyone else feels, however there are a lot of things I would not supply up. I feel ‌I could supply up a lot of things, but I would not supply up our air conditioning. The only way I would supply up air conditioning is if someone were to take me out of the home and force me to watch them rip out the A/C unit. The entire time, I would kick and claw to get them away from me and the A/C unit. The air-conditioning component is one of those things that is more pressing to me than our microwave oven. I would cook outside on a grill as long as I could come inside and have perfect air conditioning when I was ready to eat. So, when I had to go without air conditioning for 24 hours, I was bereft. If someone had seen me at that point, they would have thought that a member of our family had died. I was so distraught knowing that I could not get an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C serviceman to come to our home and repair our air conditioning component that I couldn’t even go to work. It was a nice thing that it was the weekend and I didn’t have work, because our boss would not have appreciated our calling in because of lack of air conditioning. So, I spent the entire morning in our pool, thinking about how much I would like to be in the home and enjoying reading a book and feeling the air conditioning. By the time the next morning arrived, I was literally counting down the hours on our fingers, waiting for the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C serviceman to arrive and repair our A/C unit.

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