I swear our furnace was haunted.

Ever since I moved into our house, I have sworn that our furnace is haunted. I may be wrong about it entirely being the furnace, however at least the furnace room was haunted as well as I knew it, and every time the furnace turned on, I would hear this howling sound coming through our air vents. It sounded prefer the mournful wail of ghosts that you hear in scary films. Then I would hear a clicking noise all through the ductwork. When this started to subside, the heat would come flying out of the air vents however there would still be cool wisp of air flowing across our shoulders as well as head. I swore that the ghost of the furnace as well as the furnace room were coming out to get me. Once I became fully awake, our brain took over as well as told myself and others that there were no such things as ghosts, however the eerie feeling I had would not let go. My dad told myself and others to call the Heating as well as A/C business. He told myself and others there was honestly a logical explanation prefer there being holes or small cracks in the ductwork. He thought it was the air escaping through those holes as well as cracks that were causing the moaning sounds. He also told myself and others that our family room was the largest room in the house, as well as I had our head right near the window. He said with the air vents being so far away from the bed, as well as our head at the window, I was getting a draft… No matter what anyone told me, whether it be our father or the Heating as well as A/C Tech, I was not going to know that our furnace or furnace room was not haunted until all the noises as well as the drafts were gone.

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