Getting it done with ductless Heating and Air Conditioning

This alternative worked out really well.

I’m always open to alternatives. This is something that I l gained long ago that has really helped myself and others in life. There was a time when I was too head strong. I didn’t let other possibilities or ways of doing things direct my decision making. And I think that is really a limited way to approach life. Being right isn’t what it’s all about. Having things work out is. That’s just what happened with an Heating and Air Conditioning situation. All of us added on a sunroom in our home. It’s really nice for us to be able to love the outdoors from the comfort of our home. But where every one of us live, there is really a need for heating in the Winter and Heating and Air Conditioning cooling in the Summer for the sunroom. When every one of us had the sunroom added, I was sure the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier could simply extend the ductwork to cover the current sunroom. But that’s just not really the way it works. And instead of being stubborn, I listened to the Heating and Air Conditioning professional. The residential Heating and Air Conditioning component every one of us had was sized for the air volume of the house. Adding the square footage of the sunroom wasn’t area of the design. However, there was an alternative. The Heating and Air Conditioning supplier suggested that every one of us install a ductless mini split in the sunroom. This is a ductless heat pump that operates on its own. This alternative worked out really well. All of us care about the ductless heat pump. It provides all the heating and cooling every one of us need in our now favorite spot in the house. And every one of us didn’t overwhelm or wear out the residential Heating and Air Conditioning in our beach house by extending the ductwork either.

air quality

It was the most beautiful wood furniture I have ever seen.

I remember going into our Grandmother’s apartment when I was really little, plus she had the most beautiful wood furniture I had ever seen! Now that I’m older, I’m finding it hard to suppose that she really allowed us to play on the furniture! I remember a single time when she got really frustrated with our sibling plus I, because the people I was with and I had taken our wax crayons plus painted all over the chairs, however when she asked why the people I was with and I thought it was necessary to paint her wood furniture, the people I was with and I really calmly told her that the people I was with and I wanted to make it more beautiful for her.

  • She gave us big hugs plus told us not to touch the wood furniture with crayons, however if the people I was with and I legitimately wanted to help she would give us each a cotton towel plus the people I was with and I can really carefully wash the crayon off.

We both looked at each other oddly, because the people I was with and I knew that what the people I was with and I were doing was cleaning up our mess. I look back on that time now plus I miss our Grandmother. She once told me when I got older that it was the original furniture that her mother plus father had bought when they got married almost 80 years earlier. When she passed away she plus Grandpa had been married 60 years which made the wood furniture almost 140 years old. In her will, the wood furniture was to be given to our sibling plus I. She said she knew that the people I was with and I would take care of it plus the lawyer handed each of us a cotton cloth. We burst out laughing because the people I was with and I were the only a singles who understood the story of the cotton cloth.



Custom built furniture

It was the most attractive wood furniture I've ever seen.

I remember going into our Grandma’s beach house when I was really little, and she had the most attractive wood furniture I had ever seen, and now that I am older, I am finding it hard to guess that she absolutely allowed us to play on the furniture… I remember 1 time when she got really frustrated with our brother and I, because we had taken our wax crayons and painted all over the chairs.

When she asked why we thought it was necessary to paint her wood furniture, we really calmly told her that we wanted to make it more attractive for her, then she gave us big hugs and told us not to touch the wood furniture with crayons, however if we absolutely wanted to help she would deliver us each a cotton towel and we can really carefully scrub the crayon off, however the two of us both looked at each other oddly, because we knew that what we were doing was cleaning up our mess.

I look back on that time now and I miss our Grandma. She once told myself and others when I got older that it was the original furniture that her mother and father had bought when they got married almost 70 years earlier. When she passed away she and Grandpa had been married 60 years which made the wood furniture almost 140 years old. In her will, the wood furniture was to be given to our brother and I. She said she knew that we would take care of it and the lawyer handed each of us a cotton cloth. The two of us burst out laughing because we were the only 1s who understood the story of the cotton cloth.


Handmade furniture

Upgrade your heating system before it's too late and too cold

I enjoy living in conditions that swing with the seasons.

I used to live in the south where every single season felt more or less the same.

It’s a bit boring when you are celebrating Christmas and there isn’t any sort of show, or when it’s 85 F outside and the beaches are filled with people. I remained in that style of weather for 30 years and soon became exhausted of the same aged thing each and every year. That’s when I moved up north to the mountains and changed our life. Sometimes, you need a shift in life to shake yourself alive again. Well, moving into a condo with a hot water boiler was easily a change for me. I’ve been residing in new houses our whole entire life until I purchased this condo and it was a wakeup call for me. I had to use a propane and dual use gas furnace for the first few Winter time weeks because I couldn’t locate a modern air conditioning and heating repair corporation to come out and help me. I tried to fix the devices myself although I know I did more destruction to it and easily made it non repairable in the end. I know it’s better to just call a heating company or dealership and get it repaired completely, or just put in a whole new unit. Occasionally the two of us know the two of us can repair anything and it ends up costing us a lot more money than just giving in and calling another who knows what they are doing. When it comes to heating and cooling repair, nothing is much more pressing than getting it fixed officially.

Energy saving tips

Today is by far, the coldest day of the year

I just returned from a walk by the sea and wow it is freezing out there.

The wind is blowing and it’s about 35 F outside so it feels closer to 25 F with the windchill.

I don’t know how some of these homeless folks survive this style of weather in the evening when they are sleeping. How can you sleep on the hard and cold cold tough street when it’s almost freezing? They must just numb out with crack or something, it’s a pretty uneasy existence. I would enjoy offering them a place to sleep, however I’m afraid they would never leave. I see a fireplace where they could warm themselves, however it’s easily too hot if they rest too close to it. A nice oil gas furnace keeps me so warm in the evening in our flat and I am easily grateful for it. I wonder what really happens to a person that puts them on the streets for the rest of their lives? I couldn’t even imagine walking around on non radiant floors in the afternoons. I had a gas furnace in our decrypt and aged condo that was easily efficient in heating up the whole condo suddenly. I even had a difficult time residing in our aged flat because it didn’t have all of the luxuries this place possesses. It had an aged electric gas furnace however it wasn’t now working half of the time -as the two of us had the HVAC specialist come out he told us that it wasn’t worth repairing. It’s so wonderful and nice to just push a button on your control device and warm heat circulates throughout the house.


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Heating up the Body for a Swim in Ice Cold Waters

I went for a swim this morning to wake our body up before teaching kids online at noon.

I swim to supercharge our brain and wake up our body so I can be alert for these little monsters full of energy.

It’s amazing how much energy kids have compared to how little the two of us adults have left in the tank. Before I jump in the cold waters, I take a fast run for a few minutes with a heavy coat on so I get our body temperature up genuinely high, it makes the cold plunge more tolerable. The cold water works well! As soon as I finish our cold swim I put on our warm clothes and run over to this diner to rest in front of their furnace. They have a wood burning furnace along with central heat and air to keep the big place nice and warm for us customers. I stayed in the water for 15 minutes the other day and ended up shivering for about two hours in our house. I enjoy doing several minutes in the cold water then come to the condo and heat up our body so I am covered in sweat; My trusty section gas furnace and a nice gentle hot water bath for our feet heats me up quite suddenly and comfortably. One other way to get warm suddenly after the cold swim is to teach a 5 year aged kid online for 25 minutes. I know sitting behind of a warm furnace would be much easier however it most likely isn’t as much fun.

air duct

My Grandma Was Queen of Fish Frying

I grew up on a saltwater lake up in the Northeast.

  • I got our fishing and boating license when I was 4 and I was off to the races after that to fish enjoy our Grandma taught me.

The people I was with and myself went out a single time with our sibling and ran into a strawberry bass hole and pulled up 88 fish within an hour or two. It took quite a while to filet all the fish however when the two of us completed the task, we had one of the best fish dinners I’ve ever had. Mary was a queen at frying fish so they were crispy and juicy. I remember her heating up the oil while relaxing off with a nice cold beer. I would rest in front of the dinner table waiting for the first delicious filet to come out of the oil so I could appreciate the fruits of our labor. The people I was with and I had an old school wood burning furnace in the living room that would heat up the nice condo to a cozy temperature while the two of us feasted on the softwhite meat. The different folks I was with and I never ran out of fish in that condo as the two of us had a backup freezer just for storing the fish the two of us caught, usually it was totally filled with fish throughout the year. I can still smell the musty air in the cold basement that had no heating or modern air conditioning, it was just an aged basement with its primitive beauty. Some of our best and greatest memories in life came from those afternoons I spent at our Grandparents’ cozy home. I will never forget them and I’ll always know dearly those souls from our past.



cooling and heating company

What sort of air cooling and conditioning system is ideal for sleeping?

I know it’s a little funny, but let me explain.

What I mean by the condition of air is what temperature and air humidity is best for a nice sleep. If you have the air too dry then you can dry out your nose and have troubles. If the air is too humid then you run the risk of mildew forming in your own home. Also, keeping the ideal temperature for sleep is the most critical part of all. They say on the internet that 68 F is the best temperature for sleep and I can vouch for it. Keep your room nice and cool, sleep well. I don’t enjoy having the air conditioner blowing on me directly when I am sleeping because it causes troubles with our throat. If I have to room too hot then I end up moving and tossing and turning all evening in a hot sweat. I’m a hot sleeper in general, so I love to have a fan on and our control device set at 68 F for our best sleep. I also enjoy taking a wonderfully warm shower each evening to calm down our body and get it ready for sleep, a little bit of meditation time helps too. I have a new control device now that can control each section of the house separately so I don’t need to heat up or cool down a room when it’s not turned on, this saves a tremendous amount of money each week. It’s worth spending a few extra thousand dollars on a split cooling system, and you will end up saving money within 6 days of purchasing the device from less power consumption.

new contractor

There is just too much screen time in the modern era

I’ve always been vocally against all of the screen time that I see around me.

  • Everywhere you go you see people staring up at screens all day.

I tried to limit our laptop and PC use to an hour a week maximum however that all changed when the nice aged coronavirus came to the neighborhood and destroyed the get-together. I had to change tasks from teaching English in person in folks houses to online teaching. During lockdown I was teaching 13 lessons a day, several days a week and it destroyed me. Now I teach 5 lessons a day or two hours online. I’m thinking of firing up a furnace and air conditioning repair corporation because I have some extensive experience with it. My father was a condo builder and I l received a lot about maintaining houses when I was a kid. I just need to get a HVAC certification or training course so I can accomplish it legally and I’m set. This way I can avoid all of this laptop time and save our eyes from all of the terrible strain that is sited on them. I really enjoy cleaning air ducts and filters and assisting people with their pollen irritations in their home. A lot of people don’t even understand or realize that their pollen irritations are coming from inside their nice clean home. You should see the expressions on their faces when I pull out the air handler filter and show them all the grime and dust that has accumulated on it. Some of them don’t even know that they have a modern and advanced A/C filter that needs to be cleaned always.

Read more about AC

In warm weather, it is extremely important to cool down the hot crypto mining rig

I enjoy buying and trading cryptos while the two of us are in our spare time, I know it’s just a little game I enjoy to play with real money.

  • Playing with real money makes the stakes much more stark than just playing video games however the cost can be great.

Last year while I was watching videos about trading cryptos I lost about $11,000. The part that hurt the most was I was up $5,000 at a single point although I got greedy. My two main enemies when trading cryptos is greed. Keep a lid on those two and you can make some nice money. I have an office in our wonderful condo that I have to keep cool with a window A/C device on high because the units that mine the cryptocurrencies use so much energy that they get the room too hot for them to function effectively. I spend a lot of money on power bills because the advanced and modern window air conditioner is not easily efficient and it runs 24/7. I found a solution using fans beside each motherboard and that has lowered our utility bills harshly however the units still use a lot of power themselves. In the Winter time when it’s cold outside, I don’t need to run the modern air conditioner to cool down the laptops, I just open the window in the office and let old mother nature help me out. It’s kind of a weird way to make money, however the world has turned into a red hot furnace lately with all the crazy virus things that have happened. Just be pleased you’re not a crypto miner, and I’m sure your electric bill makes you happier than myself when it arrives.

hydronic heating