The HOA has been threatening, so I fired back

So practice makes perfect, makes sense? That’s what I was regularly told as a small child.

When my son made the decision to use his savings to buy some shrubbery units and start doing yard work last summer, I helped him out with everything.

I like the fact that my kid isn’t interested in spending the warm season in the Heating and A/C cooling while online gaming all day. So anyway I thought I could help him learn a few things he didn’t truly know about yard work. He used his up-to-date hedge trimmer for the first time on our privacy hedge on the south side of the property. It was his first shot and it took him some tries to get the hedge even. However, the hedge ended up being a tad short. It was no big deal as that hedge was due for a pruning and will grow back even better. Well, I know it was a major deal to the HOA. They left a threatening letter on my front door threatening to easily fine myself and others a huge amount of money because the Heating and A/C cabinet was visible now. My initial reaction was to tell them to get lost. However, that’s not exactly wonderful behavior to model for my son. So instead, I picked up the telephone to call the HOA enforcement officer. I explained the situation and told him the hedge would be back to normal in a few months without any issues. He was having none of it and told me I either upgrade the hedge, build a fence or get fined every week. So, I had no option but to turn it over to my shark lawyer. Just so happens she lives in this community too. I sort of feel sorry for the guy but I provided him the opportunity to back off.


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