Got advanced air filtration for smoking

My brother isn’t the healthiest person on Earth.

He does not take good care of himself whatsoever.

For as long as I can remember, he’s been living off of pizza, fast food, beer and soda. His diet is a huge mess. There were a few years when he refused to even drink water. besides eating poorly, he doesn’t get any exercise and he often imbibes. He drinks a lot of beer every single day and he also is a pack a day smoker. If you are around my brother Eric, you are smelling smoke. I’ve been talking to him about this for a while. I understand that I can’t make him quit smoking, but maybe we could improve the quality of his indoor air to lessen some of the smell and pollution. I started looking online and realize that there are new air filtration methods called airmedia purifiers. These Advanced air quality control machines will connect up to your existing central heating and cooling system and provide an added element of filtration. They use microfiltration to adequately remove Airborne pollutants and contaminants before you have to breathe them. The system is supposed to completely scrub indoor air from any odors of smoke, foods, or other odors. The HEPA filters well supposedly decrease the amount of harmful pollution contained in the air.I don’t feel confident that my brother will follow through with installing the air media purifier, but at least I’ve given him the information and ventilation contacts he needs. I know my brother doesn’t care about himself or his health, but he should care about how much he smells.

Quality AC service

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