I refuse to get central heating despite living in a very cold climate

Most people would be considered crazy for living in an extremely cold climate without having central heating.

It turns out, I get by just fine without it.

For one, my home is small, though it isn’t cramped. There’s plenty of space for one person. This ultimately means that it doesn’t take all that much to heat the entire place. For example, I have a fireplace in my living room/library. When the fire is roaring, the living room and the adjacent kitchen are plenty warm. Other than that, I only really require two other heat sources. I have two portable space heaters, one for my bedroom and one for the guest room, which I rarely ever use, because I’m a recluse like that, but at least it’s there. I also have a couple of electric blankets on hand, just in case. I remember when there were power outages during the winter a couple years back. I made due by basically living in my living room and always having a fire going in the fireplace. That’s why I believe it’s a good idea to have such things as fireplaces, even if you do have central heating installed in your home. That’s also why I haven’t bothered to invest in a generator. My fireplace is more like a full-on hearth, and I can cook food using it, if I really wanted to. So yes, I save a lot of money by not relying on a central heating system. Still, my way of life is a bit too austere and rugged for most people, so I understand their desire for such creature comforts and convenience.
ductless heat pump

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